
Specialized in joint change and project management, actor centered business development, and enterprise architecture with true business value.


I'm a passionate enterprise architect, change manager, business analyst, and project manager,
with a background as an IT developer, and IT architect.

I always have the people and the true business value in focus.



Table of content




Instead of starting with the solution you don’t know,
find the common purpose you want to serve

MY CREDO. Change is inevitable, and plans often require ongoing refinement. However, without a clear purpose, efforts to change can easily be misdirected. With a well-defined purpose, change not only becomes more manageable but also more motivating for your organization and colleagues. The methods, tools, and strategies for change must be tailored to the purpose, which should be collaboratively defined by those involved and impacted.

Why collaboratively? Because true business value is created by the people who execute the processes aligned with that purpose. The solution is merely a tool to facilitate these processes — not the process itself — as value is ultimately defined, perceived, and appreciated by humans, not systems. This aligns with the principles of Human-Centered Design (IDEO, 2009), where solutions are designed around the needs of the people involved.

This means that solutions must be designed to meet the needs and requirements of the people involved. By focusing on a shared purpose and understanding how various stakeholders contribute to business value, organizational barriers can be dismantled, and obstacles cleared. Starting with a common purpose ensures that efforts are aligned and that the solutions developed are truly effective. John Kotter's work on change management (Kotter, 1996) emphasizes that leadership plays a crucial role in guiding such transformations effectively, by first ensuring that the purpose is clear and shared.

Is this straightforward? No, it isn’t. According to "The Chaos Report" (The Standish Group, 2020), the majority of projects fail to deliver true business value, with only about 30% deemed successful since 2011. Managing change, motivating teams, and creating business value together are some of the greatest challenges organizations face today. Yet, these are also the most critical skills for future project success (McKinsey, 2021). This is why I prefer to refer to change management as "improvement management" — while change requires energy, improvements inspire and drive motivation, provided they are rooted in a shared purpose.

In practice, this requires a well-facilitated, ongoing process of learning, improvement, and communication. Frequent deliveries allow for directional adjustments and demonstrate how they contribute to meaningful change, which in turn boosts motivation (as discussed by Dan Pink, Simon Sinek, and Sir Ken Robinson). By working together, you foster collective ownership of valuable business change — change that is comprehensible, manageable, and meaningful. This coherence, as described by Antonovsky (1996), is essential for human well-being and is achieved by jointly defining a purpose with true business value. By starting with a common purpose, rather than rushing to a solution, we ensure that our efforts are aligned with true business value, leading to more coherent and impactful outcomes.

As Helen Keller wisely said, "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much" (Keller, 1935).

— Johan Hildingson (formerly Lagerström), Enterprise and Management Enthusiast




The complexity of business in one image

Caption: Business is a complex phenomenon. It consists of many parts that need to coexist and interact. Not only is the internal perspective needed in order to understand the business itself, you also need to understand the world around the business and how the business interacts with it. In summary, it is all about understanding conditions, opportunities, missions, needs, resources, mandates, and roadmaps - and getting there through people, plans, rules, processes, information, data, assets, tools, and solutions. Strategy and culture must match, which is achieved through efficient communication (i.e., uniting people and creating the common foundation). "A goal without a plan is just a wish" (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, 1930).




What is my passion?

It is said that your calling in life is the union of what you are good at, what gives value to others and what makes you feel appreciated. (Ikigai) (Dave Isay, 2016) 

For the past 22+ years, I have mainly worked as a consultant in the borderland between business and IT, with the main focus on enterprise development. This includes management (change, project, program, lead, manager etc.), analysis (architecture, requirement, process, business, etc.), and facilitation (workshop, change, management, etc.) - all with the main goal of adding true business value through people, resources and solutions – and increasingly, through compliance. 

The client and its as-is state, culture, and needs are always important for me. This because the as-is state sets the starting point and makes it possible to find what is needed (e.g., the purpose, requirements and improvements), how it should be done (i.e., processes, implementations, culture, people, and compliance etc.) and the deeply desired to-be state (i.e., containing the true business value and common purpose). 

So simply put; my passion lies here...

Caption: Development is more than just defining business and IT requirements. It’s about understanding the business, meeting its needs with effective solutions, and aligning with the goal of fulfilling its core purpose, strategies, and vision. My passion lies at the intersection of business, IT, and compliance – where Change Management and Enterprise Architecture converge. Personally, I prefer the term "Improvement Management," as it emphasizes driving progress and energizing those involved to create meaningful and enduring value. Unlike change, which often consumes energy, improvement motivates and engages people, fostering a sense of purpose and achievement.




Core services

Enterprise architecture and
business development 

EA, workshop facilitation, process modelling, activity models, entity–relationship model, information models, data models, goal analysis, requirements, epics, use cases, user stories, acceptance criteria, states, user / actor / customer analysis, mockups, functional requirements, non-functional requirements, Visio, Sparx EA, as-is state, to-be state, UML, Astrakan, guidelines, steering documents, UX etc...

Project, business and change management 

Project management, program management, SCRUM, SAFe, change management, presentation and motivation techniques, planning, risk analysis, impact analysis, stakeholder analysis, targets / goals, prioritization, PO, scrum master, coaching, APO, team building / development, facilitation, speech / rhetoric, ITIL, Lean, backlog, Jira, Confluence, standard system implementation, non-standard system development, training / education / information material etc...

IT architecture and quality assurance

Data governance, data management, data warehouse, data lake, information catalogue, PHP, Java, C#, C++, Python, React, React Native, JS, jQuery, Angular, Underscore JS, SQL, MySQL, apps, Basic, C, .NET, repos, responsive design, XML, XSL, XSLT, cron, server setup, security and salting, prototyping / demos, test management, testing, Git, AWS, SVN, XP, hackathons, start-ups, lean agile development etc...




Companies, clients and projects

I have worked with a wide range from private sector to governments and public institutions, often with a focus on compliance and economics. In total more than 60 projects. Feel free to check out my LinkedIn for the full list of projects.

Caption: Above are some of the companies, clients and projects I have worked with. In some cases I have been employed, in other cases I have been a consultant, employed consultant or sub-consultant.




Testimonials and recommendations

Over the years, I have received several recommendations. Below some of them are listed. Feel free to check out my LinkedIn for more testimonials and recommendations.

"I highly recommend Johan"

Johan did an outstanding job mapping our data flows, with the aim of improving oversight and finding an effective way to manage information. He maintained an excellent dialogue with our business units and delivered a top-notch result. I highly recommend Johan! 


"Great ability to communicate..."

Johan methodically advanced the project with his structured approach through interviews, analyses, and compilations, ultimately delivering a impressive result with valuable insights. I highly recommend Johan, who excels in the intersection between business and IT, ...


"Strong ability to navigate complex issues..."

I highly recommend Johan as a highly professional change manager and enterprise architect with a strong ability to navigate complex issues and steer them towards a common goal with effective solutions. Johan is perceptive and attentive, always considering the bigger picture and prioritizing the best interests of the organization. 


"You are brilliant, Johan!"

During a course in modern presentation techniques with David JP Philips, focused on advanced rhetoric, motivation, and public speaking, Johan was awarded best speaker of the group .

//David JP Philips.


"Positive, structured, and with excellent collaboration skills..."

Johan showed strong drive [---] and iterated with the group to find solutions. The work Johan contributed to is now a cornerstone in the modernization project! 


"Highly skilled Business Analyst..."

Johan is highly skilled in the area of Business Analysis. His analytical skills and technical know-how, mixed with a result-oriented mindset, enabled us to deliver the project well within the customer’s expectations...


"Johan is an excellent project manager..."

...who manages to pursue complex issues even in a bit of a messy situation. His high competence in Data Management contributes to his ability to prioritize the right issues and work with what actually has an effect...


"It was a real pleasure to work with Johan..."

... He has the ability to quickly get acquainted with a business, sees the needs from the big picture and gets down to the details. Asks the right questions and doesn't give up until everything is clear...


"...most full-fledged IT consultant I've worked with..."

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Johan as our main IT Consultant, developer and project manager over the last 6+ years. Johan is without a doubt the most full-fledged IT Consultant I've worked with...


"Johan makes strong and quality-assured contributions in all contexts..."

Johan is a goal oriented person with great drive and will to change. He leads a group and business towards the goal, through drive, experience and leadership. Johan sees the whole picture and its issues, understands where changes should be made to create the most value...


"He quickly becomes a great and highly valuable asset in the team"

Johan's deep knowledge in requirements and process work gives, together with technical knowledge, a unique profile. Johan is very structured and has a methodology that repeatedly delivers high quality...


"Johan is with his nice and positive attitude very easy to work with"

Johan has the capacity to quickly get acquainted with complex issues and process them both technically and operationally. He has an ability to see the whole picture, pursue issues by facilitating, visualizing and documenting in a very accurate way...


 I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your kind words. Thank you <3! Sincerely. //Johan




More articles...

Do you want to get to know me and my expertise even more? Here, I publish articles, thoughts, and models: >>>




Competence and education 

I began working as a consultant in IT development in 2005. Early on, I recognized the significant impact of agile management methodologies, user-centered design, and a focus on delivering true business value—areas that quickly became central to my professional interests. By 2008, I had expanded my focus to include business development, business intelligence (BI), facilitation, and management.

Academically, I hold both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Computer Science from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. Over the years, I have pursued continuous professional development, completing over 60 courses in business, architecture, and management, and earning more than 10 certifications. My experience spans participation in over 70 different projects.

I firmly believe that ongoing learning, reflection, and improvement are essential for driving meaningful impact.




Consultant resume

Consultant resume in English: >>>
Consultant resume in Swedish: >>>




Current perspective of this webpage

While this site was originally focused on my consulting business, it now serves as my personal website. Here, I present my professional journey and share insights gained from years of experience in various roles, including enterprise architect, change manager, manager, business developer, and solution architect.

My unique strength lies in always maintaining a primary focus on business value ensuring that every decision aligns with the company’s vision and operational goals. I excel at bridging the gap between business needs and IT solutions, combining a deep understanding of requirements with enterprise architecture and change management to deliver cohesive and impactful outcomes.

By providing the right tools, processes, solutions, methods, and support, I help businesses achieve real, value-driven results that are fully aligned with their strategic objectives. After all, isn’t that what drives true success in any organization?

The resume available here is my consultant resume, reflecting the journey that has defined who I am and what I do, even though I am no longer active as a consultant. I present my work through the lens of the projects and assignments I’ve completed, as I believe this says more about my competence and capabilities than titles alone. Each project has shaped my skills, deepened my knowledge, and driven my passion for delivering meaningful business and enterprise value.




Contact me

Want more info, discuss true business value or have a Swedish fika? You are more than welcome to contact me.

Mail: johan@encentra.se
Phone: +4670 - 220 52 42

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/hildingson